Build an Emergency Kit

Prepare for the Storm

Build an emergency kit with essential supplies in case of an extended power outage or emergency evacuation.



Storms can roll in with little-to-no notice. And waiting to prepare could be life-threatening. It’s extremely important to prepare for dangerous weather long before it’s even announced.  Should you wait until the last minute, you may not be able to find the essential supplies necessary to weather the storm safely.


An emergency kit is a critical tool in a hurricane or severe storm. This kit should be stored somewhere that’s easy to get to in case of an emergency evacuation. Although what’s in the kit is up to you, here are some of the essential things you should include.



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Clean water may not be available after a storm, so you'll need a supply to use for drinking, washing hands and cleaning. Plan to store at least one gallon of water per person per day. It's recommended you keep a 3-5 day supply on hand.



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Non-Perishable Food

The food in your refrigerator is only safe to eat if your power was out for less than 4 hours. Because you'll likely experience a longer power outage during a hurricane keep a supply of non-perishable foods, such as peanut butter, tuna fish and granola bars, in your emergency kit.



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First Aid

Keep a fully-stocked first aid kit in your emergency kit. Add any prescriptions or essential medications you may need in case of an emergency evacuation. Sunscreen and insect repellent may also be helpful.




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Battery-Powered Devices

Make sure there’s a battery-powered flashlight in your emergency kit, as well as extra batteries. Also consider a wind-up or battery-powered radio, and a power bank to keep your cell phone charged.



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Personal Supplies

Add toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, deodorant, hand sanitizer and other personal care items. Don't forget a change of clothes and a blanket for everyone in your household, in case of an emergency evacuation. 



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Pet Supplies

If you have pets, be sure to include food, water and any medications they may need. Keep their leash, crate or carrier handy in case you have to leave in a hurry.



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Sanitation Supplies

Keep disinfectant wipes, garbage bags, paper towels and cleaning supplies in your emergency kit.



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Without power, you won’t have access to the ATM and stores won’t be able to take your credit or debit card. Keep a little cash stashed away in case of an emergency.



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Kid's Supplies

In addition to diapers, clothing and formula, consider packing away some non-electric entertainment options. Coloring books, puzzles, board games and toys can be great options for your kids.