At San Patricio Electric Cooperative, we recognize that many of our members want to use more renewable energy resources to power their homes. We also know that an expensive solar array isn’t for everyone. In response, we’ve created a renewable energy rate to meet the needs of our environmentally conscious members.
When you sign up for this rate, 100 percent of the electricity billed to you comes from solar and wind energy facilities.
Part of this renewable energy comes from a community solar project operated through our generation and transmission cooperative, South Texas Electric Cooperative. This project consists of four 945 kW single-axis tracking solar photovoltaic arrays split between STEC’s existing generation sites in Pearsall and Edinburg.
STEC also has power purchase agreements for wind energy from two wind facilities located in Kennedy and Webb counties.
SPEC's standard energy rate for electricity consists of just under 15% renewable energy. However, this renewable energy rate will allow you to ensure 100 percent of your electricity comes from renewable resources.