Annual Members Meeting Closed to Public Attendance

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In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, San Patricio Electric Cooperative’s Annual Membership Meeting on Saturday, September 25 will be closed to member and pubic attendance. The meeting will be recorded and the video will be posted online once available.

The safety of our members and employees is our focus, and unfortunately the circumstances of the world today require that we keep our distance. Despite these challenges, we want to connect with you and address any questions you might have during our recorded Annual Meeting. Please submit your questions to

Although our Annual Meeting will look a little different this year, our director election will continue as normal. Members will have the opportunity to vote in the election by mail or online beginning the first week of September.

Our cooperative is run by people like you, members of the communities we serve, who are elected to oversee the operation of your cooperative. These directors serve three-year terms, with elections held on a rotating basis.

This year, we are holding an election for Districts #1 and #5. In order to run for a district director position, the candidate must reside in the district for which they are running. Full details about the nominating and election process were mailed with our June bills. The results of the election will be announced at our Annual Meeting on September 25.

SPEC is connected to you by more than just power lines. We strive to enhance the quality of life for all of our members, doing what we can to make a positive impact in our service area. Our Annual Meeting is an important opportunity for us to listen to and understand the needs of the community we live and work in. Your presence at our Annual Meeting will be missed, but we’re still here to listen. We look forward to connecting with you digitally this year.