Beat the Peak to Find Summer Savings

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The key to saving money on your electric bill can be simple. The less energy you use; the more money you save. And you probably make choices each and every day, such as turning off the lights when you leave a room or using a ceiling fan, that help keep your electricity costs down. But did you know the time of day you use power can also affect your electric bill?


Why does time of use matter?

In the electric industry, we’re faced with what is known as the peak—the time of day when the demand for electricity is highest. The peak exists year round, but it hits Texans the hardest during summer months. From June to September, we typically see high power usage from 3 to 7 p.m.


During the peak hours, demand for electricity is high but the supply remains unchanged. That puts a premium on the power available and your co-op has to pay more for the electricity used during this time.  


What is the Beat the Peak program?

San Patricio Electric Cooperative does its best throughout the year to keep costs as low as possible, but we also rely on your help to reduce the amount of power we have to purchase when prices are sky-high.


From June to September, SPEC’s Beat the Peak program is used to encourage members to conserve energy during peak hours. Participating is not only free, but it could help you reduce your electricity costs. All you have to do is make a few small changes to the way you and your family use electricity during peak hours.


When you use less power between 3 and 7 p.m., we save on power purchases when prices are highest. Any savings we find are passed right back to you, our member-owner. 


Tips for saving energy during the peak:

  • Set your thermostat at 78 degrees or higher. If that’s still too hot, consider using your ceiling fan. It can help you feel up to 4 degrees cooler.

  • Cook dinner with small appliances instead of using your oven.  Appliances such as a microwave, slow cooker or toaster oven use less energy and add less heat to your home.

  • Plan your chores around peak times. If you need to run the dishwasher, wash a load of laundry, vacuum or do any other chore that requires electricity, try and do it before 3 p.m. or after 7 p.m., when there is less electricity demand.

  • Go outside. You can avoid electricity use altogether by adventuring out of your home during peak hours. Try taking a trip to the beach, park, pool or library.

  • Turn your hot water heater down to 120°. Most water heaters come preset to a scalding 140°, but a lower setting usually more than adequate and will help you save on water heating costs.

  • Seal air leaks around your home. Use caulk and weather stripping to seal any gaps or cracks around your doors and windows, baseboards, chimney, switch plates and more. Although many of these leaks are small, collectively they can waste a significant amount of energy.