Build Your Emergency Kit

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If a hurricane hits, the shelves at your local grocery store will probably be wiped clean. It’s important to plan ahead so you’re not scrambling to find the essentials your family needs during an emergency.

Be sure to purchase necessary items in advance and build an emergency kit. We suggest that you include:

  • Water. You need one gallon per person, per day. Plan to keep a three to five-day supply on hand.


  • Non-perishable food. Pack food in your kit doesn’t need refrigeration, such as peanut butter, canned tuna fish and trail mix.


  • Manual can opener. Pack a manual can opener so you can open canned goods.


  • First aid supplies. You never know what could happen during a natural disaster. Keep some essential first aid supplies in your emergency kit.


  • Battery-powered flashlight. Make sure to pack some extra batteries too.


  • Cleaning supplies. Toss in some moist towelettes, garbage bags and a few cleaning essentials.


  • Cash. In a widespread power outage, you may not have access to an ATM and card readers may not work in stores. Keep some cash on hand for emergency purchases.


  • Clothing. Include a change of clothes for everyone in your household. If you have to evacuate quickly, you’ll be thankful for the extra set that’s ready to go.


  • Pet supplies. Keep a stash of food and medications in your emergency kit for your furry friends.


  • Kid’s entertainment. Add some non-electric entertainment options for small children, such as puzzles, coloring books or toys.