ERCOT Issues Appeal for Conservation

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The Electricity Reliability Council of Texas is requesting electricity conservation from 2-8 p.m. on July 11, 2022. At this time, system-wide outages are not expected.

Tight grid conditions are being driven by two factors:

  • Record high electricity demand. A heat wave has settled over Texas, driving temperatures higher and increasing the demand for electricity. This demand for power has already broken the record ERCOT had predicted for the summer. Grid operators in other parts of the country are operating under similar conservation programs due to the heat wave.
  • Low wind energy available. Wind generation is currently generating significantly less than it historically produces during this time period. ERCOT is projecting wind power to provide less than 10% of its capacity this afternoon.

Tips for Conserving Electricity

  • Set your thermostat a degree or two higher than normal.
  • Avoid using large appliances, such as a washing machine, dryer, dishwasher or oven.
  • Postpone operating a pool pump, if applicable, between the hours of 2-8 p.m. today.
  • Turn off or unplug unused electronics and small appliances.

How to keep up with ERCOT and market conditions

  • View daily peak demand forecast, current load, and available generation at
  • Download the ERCOT mobile app (available for download at the Apple App Store and Google Play).
  • Subscribe to the EmergencyAlerts list on