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Understand Your Bill
San Patricio Electric Distribution Charges:
This is the portion of your bill that goes to San Patricio Electric Cooperative. These charges exist to cover the cost of bringing power to your meter, including such things as electrical wire, transformers, poles, maintenance and administrative costs.
Customer Charge: A flat, monthly fee charged per meter, regardless of the amount of electricity you use.
Electric Use: A rate charge that is directly related to how much electricity you use. We calculate the amount of electricity you use during a billing cycle, based on meter readings. The number of kilowatt hours (kWh) that you used is then multiplied by our distribution rate to determine the electric use charge.
Halo Flight: SPEC members can get a discounted rate of $1 per month on HALO-Flight Service. We can add the $1 monthly fee to your bill once you enroll.
STEC Power Supplier Charges
This is the portion of your bill that goes to South Texas Electric Cooperative, which generates the power you use in your home from resources such as coal, natural gas, wind and hydroelectric power. SPEC purchases electricity from STEC at wholesale prices and passes those costs through to our members.
Electric Use: : A rate charge that is directly related to how much electricity you use. We calculate the amount of electricity you use during a billing cycle, based on meter readings. The number of kilowatt hours (kWh) that you used is then multiplied by STEC’s generation rate to determine the electric use charge.
Power Cost Adjustment: This line item compensates for the fluctuating cost of electricity. Basically, it’s the difference between SPEC’s estimated cost to purchase electricity and the actual cost. Sometimes it serves as a charge, and sometimes you get a credit.
Account Number: A billing account number is assigned to each location where a member has established service with SPEC.
Rate: The rate you pay depends on the type of service you need. If you’re a residential customer, you’ll pay a different rate than a business customer. These rate classes also vary based on whether you use single or three-phase service, along with peak use or demand.
Meter Number: The meter number identifies the meter at the service location for which you are being billed.
Service Address: This is a short description of the address or facility using electricity at this location.
Service Period: The timeframe for which you are being billed.
No. Days: This is the number of days in the current billing cycle.
Bill Type: There are several different types of SPEC bills. On the back of your bill is a list of the various types and one will match the code listed on your bill.
Multiplier: If your meter records that you’re using a multiplier, it will be indicated here.
Due Date: This is the date payment is due for your electricity service. It occurs 16 days after the day the bill was printed. After this date, the bill is considered delinquent.
Total Due: This is for the total amount due for electric service purchased during this billing period plus any outstanding balances.
The Comparison Table Included on Your Bill: This table is designed to help you better manage your energy use. It lists the number of days in the billing cycle, the kWh used, the average kWh per day and the cost per day for your current billing period, the previous billing period and for the same period last year. This information can help you monitor and manage your energy consumed.
Security Lights: You will only see this if you are being billed for a security light. It covers the energy portion of the light.
Balance Forward: The amount unpaid from the previous bill that was still outstanding at the time your bill was printed. This amount is past due and should be paid immediately if not already paid when you receive our bill.