Prepare for Winter Savings This Fall

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We may not experience much of the fall season in Texas, but we can count on the (slightly) cooler weather to bring some relief from hot summer days. You probably notice that as the temperature drops, your electric bill goes down a little too. However, that doesn’t mean it’s time to stop thinking about saving energy. On the contrary, the cooler weather provides a great opportunity for you to tackle some energy-saving projects to make your home more efficient during the coming winter months.

Get your HVAC system inspected. You should have your HVAC system inspected once a year to make sure it is working efficiently. This regular maintenance could prevent costly repairs down the road. Fall is a great time to call in a licensed professional so your HVAC is in tiptop shape before cold weather hits. While you’re at it, make sure you replace your air filter. Most filters should be replaced once a month.

Weatherproof your house. Take advantage of fair-weather days to get your home ready for colder temperatures. Caulk or weatherstrip around windows and doors to prevent air leaks. Without this inexpensive fix, your winter heating could seep right out the door and increase your electric bill.

Install a programmable thermostat. If you want to save on winter heating, a programmable thermostat can make it easy. You can program the thermostat to save energy while you’re gone, and to return to a comfortable temperature before you return home. That way you don’t have to remember to manually adjust the temperature before you leave the house. Although more expensive, a smart thermostat, makes energy savings even easier. It can learn your heating and cooling habits and adjust automatically throughout the day.

Switch the direction of your ceiling fan. In the summertime, your ceiling fan can help you feel cooler. But, it’s a helpful device in the winter too. If you switch the direction of the fan so it is running clockwise, it will push warm air down from your ceiling to help keep you more comfortable on chilly days.