Save Energy at Work

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You may focus most of your energy saving efforts at home, but there are plenty of opportunities to save while you’re away from home too.  Check out these tips for saving energy at work.


  • Turn off your computer. Before you leave each night, make sure you shut down your computer completely. If you simply log off, the computer will continue running all night, which will waste energy.


  • Replace your light. If you have a desk lamp, make sure you swap out the bulb for an energy efficient option. LED or CFL light bulbs use about 75% less energy and last 25 times longer than an incandescent bulb.


  • Use natural light. If you’re lucky enough to have an office window, turn out the lights and let the sun shine in. The natural light from the sun can light your office for free.


  • Turn off the lights. Make a habit of shutting off the lights whenever you leave an empty room, just as you do it home. There’s no reason for the lights to be on all day and you’ll help save energy by keeping them off.


  • Don’t wash your hands with hot water. Since hot water heating is often a large energy expense, you can save electricity by avoiding the hot water knob on the sink. Cold water will still get your hands clean, plus it’s a healthy option too. Researchers at Vanderbilt University found that washing your hands in hot water does little to kill germs. Because the temperature needed to kill bacteria would burn your hands, you’re better off washing with soap and cold water.


  • Car pool. You can cut back on energy use during your commute, too. Ask a co-worker if they would be willing to carpool with you to the office—that way you both save gas.


  • Bring your lunch. Another easy way to save is by bringing your lunch. Or, if you work within walking distance to restaurants, head to lunch on foot. When you don’t have to drive during the day, you’ll save on gas.