SPEC, CoBank, Donate $20,000 to Area Volunteer Fire Departments

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San Patricio Electric Cooperative, in partnership with CoBank, divided $20,000 in donations among three local fire volunteer fire departments in December. The recipients were the Mathis, Odem and Pettus-Tuleta volunteer fire departments.


SPEC’s Board of Directors approved donations to these fire departments earlier this year, and the co-op applied to CoBank’s Sharing Success Program in hopes of doubling the amount it planned to give. CoBank’s Sharing Success Program matches donations by the bank’s cooperative customers to eligible nonprofit organizations in their communities.


SPEC provided a donation of $3,333.33, which was matched dollar for dollar by CoBank. This brought each department’s total donation up to $6,666.66 to support the operation of their volunteer fire department.  


“We know volunteer fire departments provide a critical service for our rural communities by responding to fires, car accidents and other emergencies,” said Ron Hughes, SPEC General Manager. “SPEC is proud to support these men and women who volunteer their time to serve our communities, and we’re thankful for the generous contribution from CoBank, which has allowed us to double our donations.”


CoBank’s Sharing Success program was started in 2012 as a way to give back to co-ops and the non-profits they support. SPEC and CoBank have partnered on similar donations in years past. Including the donations made in December, the organizations together have donated $153,000 to non-profit organizations and first responders in SPEC’s service area.


Since 2013, SPEC and CoBank have made contributions to 18 area volunteer fire departments, the Coastal Bend Food Bank, the Community Action Corporation of South Texas, the Community Action Council of South Central Texas, South Texas Women’s Shelter, Boys & Girls Club of Beeville, Girl Scouts of Greater South Texas, the South Texas Council of Boy Scouts and the South Texas Children’s Home.


Mathis VFD Check Presntation
Mathis Volunteer Fire Department Check Presentation
Pictured from left to right: Adrian Ramirez, Mathis VFD Chief; Ron Hughes, SPEC General Manager; and Cedric Davis Sr., Mathis City Manager.



Odem VFD Check Presentation
Odem Volunteer Fire Department Check Presentation
Pictured from left to right: Rene Garcia, Odem VFD Captain; Robert Beltran, Odem VFD Chief; Ron Hughes, SPEC General Manager; and Sal Hernandez, Odem City Administrator.


Pettus-Tuleta VFD Check Presentation
Pettus-Tuleta Volunteer Fire Department Check Presentation
Pictured from left to right:Jesse Hernandez, Pettus-Tuleta VFD; Lester Kissee, , Pettus-Tuleta VFD; Ron Hughes, SPEC General Manager; and Oscar Sanchez, Pettus-Tuleta VFD