Stay Safe While Working Outdoors

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Now that the weather’s warmed up, it’s the perfect time to get outside and tackle some springtime projects. But before you begin, take a few minutes to review our outdoor electricity safety tips.


  • Be aware of your surroundings.  Before you climb up a ladder or extend the handle of a tool, look up to make sure there aren’t any power lines overhead.


  • Call 811 before you dig. There may be underground utility lines running beneath your property. Accidently hitting one of these lines could not only knock out an important service, it could also be extremely dangerous. If you’re planning to dig for any projects call 811 at least 48 hours in advance. They will notify the utility companies in your area so they can mark the location of any underground utility lines.


  • Carefully plan where you plant trees. Branches growing too close to our power lines can cause outages. Even branches that seem far from the line can be blown several feet during storms or high wind. Because of this, we prefer to have at least 10 feet of clearance on either side of the line and 12 feet above and below it.


  • Don’t trim trees near power lines. Trimming trees near power lines can be very dangerous and its best left up to the professionals. We ask that you give us a call when you suspect a branch is too close to our power lines. SPEC crews and contractors are trained to safely remove these obstacles so you continue to have reliable electric service.


  • Inspect power tools and extension cords. Before you begin a project, make sure your tools are in good condition. Frayed cords, broken plugs or other damage can be a safety hazard. Don’t use any equipment that is damaged.


  • Properly store your electrical equipment. When you’re finished for the day, make sure your tools are properly stored. Keep equipment away from water or wet areas.