Use Your Space Heater Safely

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Space heaters are meant to provide supplemental heat, not to replace your home’s heating system. They are designed and should be used to add warmth to just one room. When a space heater is not used properly, it can pose fire and burn risks. According to the National Fire Protection Association, space heaters are the cause of 32 percent of home heating fires.

With cooler weather expected later this week, San Patricio Electric Cooperative would like to remind you of these safety rules for your portable space heater.


  • Always read and follow manufacturer warnings, and the operation and care guidelines before using a space heater.


  • Keep your space heater at least 3 feet away from any combustible materials such as bedding, clothing, curtains and furniture.


  • Place the heater on a level surface and away from foot traffic.


  • Never leave children or pets unsupervised around a space heater.


  • Turn off the heater when you leave the room or go to bed.


  • Space heaters should be plugged directly into an outlet. Do not use an extension cord.


  • Electric space heaters use a lot of electricity. Plug yours into a circuit with as little else on it as possible.


  • Never use a space heater to dry clothing, cook food, thaw pipes or warm bedding. They should be used for supplemental space heating only.


  • Purchase portable heaters with an automatic shut off that will turn off if they’re tipped over.


  • Use a heater that’s the proper size for your room you plan to heat. Most heaters come with a general sizing table that you can use as a guideline.