For the Love of Lights

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April 8 is National Lineman Appreciation Day

Take a moment, if you will, to imagine all the ways you use electricity. You turn on the lights, watch TV and cook dinner. You use it to enjoy creature comforts like hot showers and air conditioning. And you use it to connect to the world by turning on your computer or charging your cell phone.

As long as your power is on, you may not give it much thought. But electricity is the unseen, often unconsidered workhorse humming in the background of your life. And our linemen are often the unsung facilitators of this energy source.

SPEC linemen are responsible for keeping power flowing day and night, regardless of holidays, vacations, birthdays, weddings or any other important family milestone. They sacrifice time with their families to make sure your electricity is working reliably and is repaired as quickly as possible when it’s not.

This service-oriented mentality is a hallmark characteristic of a lineman. The job requires lineworkers to set aside their personal priorities to better serve their local community.

More often than not, they’re called to action when conditions aren’t favorable. They often work in the dead of night, during storms and high winds. All the while, laboring high in the air, wearing heavy equipment and working with high voltage electricity. It’s a dangerous profession, and their jobs are anything but easy.

That’s why we honor them annually on National Lineman Appreciation Day, April 8 this year. On this day, we thank them for doing a job that’s often thankless. We thank them for their part in lighting up our members lives and providing a service that’s critical to our local communities.

We thank them for all the nights they got out of their warm beds, put on their uniform and boots, and trudged out into a storm to restore power to our members. And we thank them for all the nights they will continue doing that.

Perhaps, above all else, we thank them for being cautious and working safely. For taking their training seriously and for attending regular safety meetings. At SPEC, it’s our goal to have our employees go home safely to their families every day and we know that safety begins with our employees.

If you happen see one of our linemen this month please take a moment to shake their hand or give them a high five and say “Thank you” for the contribution they make to our local community.