SPEC Named Safest Co-op in Texas

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San Patricio Electric Cooperative was awarded the GE Safety Achievement Award on March 30, earning the title of the safest electric cooperative in Texas. The GE award takes into consideration driving record, vehicle safety, job training, safety support and the number of times the co-op has received safety accreditation.  

This award isn’t the first major safety accomplishment for the cooperative. Last November, SPEC celebrated a record-breaking 8 years without a lost-time accident and has continued to see the number of accident-free days grow.

“I believe the conscious effort our employees make each day to work safely, their willingness to discuss near misses and their openness to suggestions and new ideas has helped us maintain an excellent safety record,” said Ron Hughes, SPEC general manager. “SPEC’s commitment to providing employees with the proper tools, training, personal protective gear, and time to do the job safely have no-doubt contributed toward receiving this award.”

These safety accomplishments are no small feat in the electric industry, which can be a very dangerous field. Many of SPEC’s employees deal with live electricity, operate heavy machinery and make repairs in hazardous weather. They also travel thousands of miles, day and night, across SPEC’s nine-county service area.

A large part of the co-op’s success is due to keeping safety top of mind for all employees. SPEC’s Safety Coordinator, Blake Becker, holds weekly safety meetings with the linemen and also ensures that they attend eight monthly safety meetings conducted by Texas Electric Cooperatives. Office employees are required to attend four of these monthly safety meetings each year.

“Our co-op has had a long-standing commitment to the safety of its employees,” said Becker.  “We work in an industry where danger is always present and by taking a safety first approach, we are able to work together to have an accident free workplace.” 

The safety of SPEC’s employees is a benefit to the cooperative’s customers, or member-owners. Workplace accidents impact insurance and workers compensation rates, negatively affect productivity and create a staffing challenge. Being accident-free helps keep co-op operational expenses down so electricity prices stay low.