What You're Missing at the Annual Meeting

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Did you know every cooperative is required to conduct an annual meeting of the membership? The purpose is to hold the election for the board of directors, share important financial information, occasionally vote on other matters such as by-law changes and of course––the great door prizes!

San Patricio Electric Cooperative’s annual meeting is a community gathering where neighbors can meet new neighbors––or catch up with old acquaintances. As our lives get busier and more of our interactions with others are online, we must renew the value of face-to-face human connections. Very few organizations are as uniquely positioned as SPEC to bring together all members of our local communities. 

While rural Americans probably do a better job of staying connected to our neighbors (in part because we need too), it is not something we should take for granted. The simple act of smiling, saying hello and shaking someone’s hand truly lifts both parties.

Our country and community face many challenges. Our economy feels like it has been stagnant for years. Overcoming these challenges will only happen if we come together.

SPEC’s annual meeting is designed to take care of the important business of your co-op and the equally important business of building a real sense of community. All cooperatives serve both an economic and social purpose. While safe, reliable and affordable electric power is crucial to our mission, improving the quality of life for all members is at the core of what we do every day.

If you have not attended the annual meeting in the past or if it has been a few years, we urge you to take the time to be with your fellow co-op members.

This year’s annual meeting will be held on Saturday, September 23 at 9:30 a.m. at the Beeville Exposition Center. Registration for the meeting begins at 8 a.m. During the registration period, we will once again offer our members a free health fair, conducted by Christus Spohn.  A light breakfast of muffins and beverages will also be provided to our attending members.

We get out of life what we put into it. SPEC is connected to you by more than just power lines. We are your neighbors, and we look forward to seeing you at your annual meeting